• Cosmic Energy Update

      There’s a lot happening in the cosmos right now, and it’s a powerful time for reflection and inner work.

      🌟 Venus Retrograde (Now–April 12)

      Venus rules love, money, and beauty, so during this retrograde, be mindful of overspending and avoid major cosmetic changes (no cutting hair, tattoos, or cosmetic procedures). Instead of focusing outward, turn inward—reassess your relationships, communication, boundaries, and how you give/receive love. Shadow projections may arise, so notice where you might be placing blame or frustration on others instead of looking within.

      🌟 Mercury Retrograde (March 14–April 7)

      Mercury governs communication, travel, and technology, so expect minor tech glitches, travel delays, and miscommunications. Back up important files, keep liquids away from your electronics, and double-check email recipients before hitting send—you don’t want to accidentally send something inappropriate to your boss or your mom! Mercury also carries trickster energy—so nothing major to fear, just stay aware and flexible.

      🌟 Eclipse Portal (Now–April 8)

      Eclipse energy brings chaos, rapid shifts, and deep transformation. This is not a time to charge crystals, make moon water, or actively manifest—it’s a time for stillness, reflection, and clearing away what no longer serves you (physically and energetically). The key is to make space for the new—deep shadow work is powerful right now.

      If you’re curious about what shadow work is and how to use it for growth, or if you have any questions, insights, or musings around this astrology, feel free to reach out to me! Eclipse season is a portal for transformation, and I’d be honored to help you harness this energy in a way that serves you.

      ✨ Spring Equinox (March 20) – A potent time to clear energy! Do some spring cleaning, decluttering, or rearranging to shift stagnant energy. While we don’t manifest during the eclipse portal, this is a great time to set light and simple intentions for how you want to feel in the new astrological year.

      ⚡ March 24 – Mercury Cazimi in Aries

      This is a major clarity and insight day—expect sudden realizations or “aha” moments. Keep a journal handy to capture downloads from the cosmos. This is also a day to break patterns and cycles that aren’t serving you.

      The energy right now is big, fast-moving, and transformational, so be gentle with yourself. Reflect, revisit, revise—especially in relationships and communication. We talked about these themes in circle, and now is the time to integrate them.

      Sending you all love as we navigate these cosmic waves!

      1 Comment
      • Why does my Birthday month gotta be so wildin. 😅
        I’m looking forward to whatever March 24 holds!

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