• Do you tap into your dreams for subconscious messages?

      Your dreams are a direct line to the deeper layers of your mind – offering insights, symbols, and guidance that your waking self might overlook.

      With the energy of the new moon still fresh, this weekend is the perfect time to start (or revisit) your dream journal. Before bed, set an intention to remember your dreams, and jot down whatever comes through when you wake up – even if it’s just a feeling or a single word.

      Have you ever received a powerful message or symbol in a dream? Drop it in the comments!

      danieltyack and iam_thesoundbender
      1 Comment
      • Despite wanting to dream at night (or have better access to my dreams) I am more of a day dreamer than a night dreamer 😅 I almost never remember my dreams / or they are just a glimmer as I’m waking up.

        When I DO actually wake up with a message from a dream, I’ve found the chat GPT Voice to Text to be amazing. I can sleepily mumble my dream to the robot, it outputs a little report and I can check back in the morning. 🏆

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