Happy Venus Day Mystics!
For any Witches, Mystics, Wizards, etc looking for a nive invocation or prayer of sorts, I love this one for casting circles, daily devotion, etc. Try it on for size!
Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides and Divinity, I ask for your guidance for what’s appropriate for me.
I ask for your blessings upon this day, I ask to make known my true will’s way.
Blessings of happiness, blessings of health, blessings of wisdom, blessings of wealth.
Blessings of pleasure, blessings of fun, blessings from the stars, moon, earth and sun.
Blessings of protection, blessings of peace, blessings from the North, South, West and East.
I ask that my work be unimpeded, that my impact is beneficial where it is needed.
As above, so below, as within, so without, so mote it be.