tinxaw became a registered member a week ago
Tinx!!! You made it in 🙌🏽 So great to have you sis! ❤️
In many Pagan traditions, Sunday is associated with the Sun, making it a powerful day for rituals related to strength, success, vitality, confidence, and clarity. Here are some ways you can incorporate Pagan practices into your Sunday:
1. Sun Magic & Offerings
Light a yellow, gold, or orange candle to honor the Sun.
Offer herbs like…
Ok meet up alert! We woll be down in Cardiff at the surf bonanza (not what its called) at 1pm today. Meet at tge kook!
wally-kroeker posted an update a week ago
I just launched my substack page, Cognitive Loop—my daily experiment in refining raw ideas with the help of AI. If you’re into exploring creativity, ethics, and all the in-between moments that spark real insight, come take a look!
Subscribe here: https://cognitiveloop.substack.com
Do you tap into your dreams for subconscious messages?
Your dreams are a direct line to the deeper layers of your mind – offering insights, symbols, and guidance that your waking self might overlook.
With the energy of the new moon still fresh, this weekend is the perfect time to start (or revisit) your dream journal. Before bed, set an intention…
Despite wanting to dream at night (or have better access to my dreams) I am more of a day dreamer than a night dreamer 😅 I almost never remember my dreams / or they are just a glimmer as I’m waking up.
When I DO actually wake up with a message from a dream, I’ve found the chat GPT Voice to Text to be amazing. I can sleepily mumble my dream to…
Today’s Astro Forecast comin in from The One and Only Katherine Benker-Boral!
Happy Jupiter day, lucky. Today the moon is in Pisces the ultimate dreamer. Currently we have Mercury also in Pisces in sextile with Uranus in Taurus. This is great for grounded intuition, creative and tangible idea generation, epiphanies and artistic innovation. …
@danieltyack and I will be out and about this weekend! Who wants to meet up? We can stroll the Farmer’s Market, meet for group meditation, catch a sunset… who’s in?
Let’s gooooo! The weather is gonna be incredible this weekend. Totally game for a meet up. 🙌🏽
My nervous system needs a little care after a night of less than optimal sleep.
A super simple nervous system regulation tool which is somewhat new ro me (and im liking it) is Orienting to Safety.
Here’s How to Do It:
1. Look around your space slowly and intentionally.
2. Name 3-5 things you see (e.g., I see a blue chair, a plant, a window with…
Love this vibe and I need to remember to remind people of the simple / effective techniques like this!
Taking 90 seconds to regulate (using any technique) will drastically change the path of a negative experience. Having a cool practice like this to support that 90 seconds is 1000% better! Keep sharing rad tips like this!
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