• My nervous system needs a little care after a night of less than optimal sleep.

      A super simple nervous system regulation tool which is somewhat new ro me (and im liking it) is Orienting to Safety.

      Here’s How to Do It:

      1. Look around your space slowly and intentionally.

      2. Name 3-5 things you see (e.g., I see a blue chair, a plant, a window with sunlight).

      3. Feel into your body & notice any shifts, even subtle ones.

      4. Remind yourself: “I am safe in this moment.”

      This engages the ventral vagus nerve, signaling to your brain that you are not in immediate danger. It’s a super easy way to ground down and regulate throughout the day.

      Share hownit was for you if uou try it! ✨

      1 Comment
      • Love this vibe and I need to remember to remind people of the simple / effective techniques like this!

        Taking 90 seconds to regulate (using any technique) will drastically change the path of a negative experience. Having a cool practice like this to support that 90 seconds is 1000% better! Keep sharing rad tips like this!

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