• Happy Pisces Season, Mystics! ♓️✨

      I LOVE Pisces Season… As we move through the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces season invites us into deep emotional and energetic reflection. This is a time to honor the endings that naturally come before new beginnings, to close out old cycles, and to prepare for the New Zodiacal Year – Aries Season.

      Have you noticed recurring themes, emotions, or patterns surfacing lately? They might be asking for closure, integration, or transformation. Rather than resisting, Pisces energy encourages us to surrender, to feel, process, and flow with what arises.

      Some questions to explore:
      ✨ What emotions have I been avoiding that need acknowledgment?
      ✨ Where in my life do I need to let go and trust the flow?
      ✨ How can I nurture my dreams and intuition more deeply?

      This is a beautiful time for practices that help you connect to your subconscious. Hypnosis, Reiki, journaling (dream journal specifically), writing poetry, painting, or even dancing with your emotions. Let yourself soften, dream, and release what no longer serves. A new cycle is on the horizon.

      Do you have any Pisces placements in your chart? Drop them below!

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