Happy Mercury Day Mystics✨
With the moon in Taurus, you mood is likely intimately connected with your physical sesnses today. Its a great tine to seek some physical pleasure. Today’s energy is better for completing current peojects rather than initiating new ones.
Its also that beautiful liminal tome between winter and spring… where the first signs of new life and growth may be emerging. On the pagan wheel of the Year, we call this cross quarter holiday Imbolc. While its normally celebrated on Feb 1, we can still tune into this energy in the following days.
Imbolc is a time to honor the Celtic goddess Brigid. Keeper of the hearth, healing, poetry, renewal.
I pulled this card especially for us which i find especially perfect – its a small spell for honoring these energies – tending to our own inner hearth and healing theough self love and creativity.
If you make this inscence, or any variation, share it!