Good Morning Mystics!
Today’s astrology comes to you from my friend Katherine Benker Boral. Have a great day!
Happy Jupiter day, lucky lulus! Speaking of jupiter…the aqua sun is making a trine to Jupiter in Gemini today shinning a light on abundant opportunities and good fortune. Optimistic energy and enthusiasm could motivate you to reach for your dreams, desires and goals . But be careful of the double air energy could cause an ungrounded buzzy vibe so remember to breathe and tether to the ground.
Later, @ 5:52pm est, the moon which is currently in freaky fabulous Aquarius will move into compassionate creative Pisces. Wherever we have Pisces in our chart is where we need a lot of time alone to regroup and where we need to learn how to set healthy boundaries. Pisces is the last sign in the zodiacal wheel and has a little of all the signs within it. Thus, is tremendously compassionate and open-hearted. But that empathetic yearning for unity and oneness sometimes blurs the lines of where their boundaries are…so be mindful. The love for humanity is strong this evening between an aqua sun and Pisces moon.
Maybe write a list of all your skills that could help the collective in this love revolution we are embarking upon.
Have a thriving high vibing Thursday! Xxkbb