Happy Pisces Season, Mystics! ♓️✨
I LOVE Pisces Season… As we move through the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces season invites us into deep emotional and energetic reflection. This is a time to honor the endings that naturally come before new beginnings, to close out old cycles, and to prepare for the New Zodiacal Year – Aries Season.
Happy Moon Day Mystics! Today’s report brought to you by @Katherine !
Happy moon day, lovelies.
Today we have the moon in Libra until about 7:19pm est when she moves into Scorpio. See if you notice the energy shift from fun and flirty to rather quiet and introspective.
Shortly after La Luna enters the deep mysterious water of Scorpio, she’ll…
ToniP and
phylhartigan are now connected 3 weeks ago
Happy Saturn’s Day, mystics! ✨
The Moon is in romantic, justice seeking Libra, bringing a desire for inner harmony (perhaps aided by a little external sweetness). Today’s medicine is balance. You might feel a strong pull toward fairness and justice, both for yourself and in support of others.
But let’s not forget about Saturn, the planet of…
ToniP and
iam_thesoundbender are now connected 3 weeks ago
ToniP posted a new event. 3 weeks ago
Awaken to Abundance: Creating Wealth with Purpose and PowerAwaken to Abundance: Creating Wealth with Purpose and Power A Free Virtual Workshop by @iam_thesoundbender Are you ready to shift your mindset, reprogram your subconscious,…
danieltyack -
Happy Venus Day Mystics ✨
Mercury moves into Pisces today… we will feel a shift from logic to intuition, from thinking to feeling. Mercury rules communication, but now, words take on a softer, dreamier tone. Let your heart lead.
This is a time to nourish your inner world… water your plants, sink into a bath, sip tea like it’s a ritual. Let…
briannaloves and
ToniP are now connected 4 weeks ago
Happy Jupiter Day Mystics 🖖
The moon spends 2.5 days in each sign, and with today’s moon in Virgo, a demanding and organized emotional landscape emerges. Today, you, and everyone around you, may be feeling a need for purification and/or perfection. You may feel the deep need to be RIGHT. While this can lead you toward efficiency, this may also…
Interesting, and I’m trying to figure out how to read this for me. My north note is Virgo and this energy feels aligned with work stuff right now. It’s. a solid general energy read, but should I consider my North Node in the Virgo equation?
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ToniP posted a new event. 4 weeks ago
Monthly Reiki Sound BathReiki & Sound Healing Journey ✨💖 Immerse yourself in a deeply restorative experience where Reiki energy and crystal sound bowls work together to bring balance,…
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